How to make and use the Curse of Binding Enchantment in Minecraft
Image via Microsoft
The Curse of Bounden can be a difficult enchantment that can prove to exist extremely annoying in Minecraft. While this enchantment is on a piece of armor, when a player puts it on, they cannot remove the item because of the curse. The only mode to remove the item is for a player to be in Creative mode, they dice while wearing the item, or it breaks while they're wearing it. A few armor items have no immovability, which means the player is forced to die to remove the detail.
How to get the Expletive of Binding
There are ii ways to get the Expletive of Binding on a piece of particular. The most common way for a slice of armor to have this enchantment is for you to notice information technology in a treasure breast. You can randomly observe it in whatsoever treasure chest that has a chance to have a piece of armor inside of information technology, and that armor has the hazard to spawn into your game with an enchantment. Whenever looting an detail from a treasure chest, you're better off making certain information technology does not have the Expletive of Binding on information technology when putting it on.
The alternative method to acquire the Curse of Bounden to catch the enchantment book while fishing. This is an extremely rare way, merely it is possible. One time you have the enchantment volume, you can apply it to any slice of armor that accepts the enchantment. It does not work on items or weapons. Only armor.
How to use the Curse of Binding
When y'all have the Expletive of Binding enchantment book, it works just like whatever other enchantment. You need to apply the enchantment to any piece of armor then wear that piece of armor. Later on putting on the armor with the enchantment, you volition be unable to remove it unless the armor breaks if it has durability, your character dies, or you lot're in Creative mode.
Exterior of preventing you from removing the piece of armor when you put it on, the Expletive of Binding serves no purpose.
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