
How To Transition To Two Worship Services

What this handout is about

In this crazy, mixed-upwardly world of ours, transitions glue our ideas and our essays together. This handout will introduce you to some useful transitional expressions and help you use them effectively.

The function and importance of transitions

In both academic writing and professional writing, your goal is to convey information clearly and concisely, if non to convert the reader to your style of thinking. Transitions assistance yous to achieve these goals past establishing logical connections betwixt sentences, paragraphs, and sections of your papers. In other words, transitions tell readers what to exercise with the information you present to them. Whether single words, quick phrases, or full sentences, they office as signs that tell readers how to think nigh, organize, and react to old and new ideas as they read through what you accept written.

Transitions signal relationships between ideas—relationships such as: "Another instance coming upwards—stay alert!" or "Hither's an exception to my previous statement" or "Although this idea appears to be true, here'due south the real story." Basically, transitions provide the reader with directions for how to slice together your ideas into a logically coherent argument. Transitions are not just exact decorations that embellish your newspaper by making information technology sound or read better. They are words with item meanings that tell the reader to think and react in a particular way to your ideas. In providing the reader with these important cues, transitions help readers understand the logic of how your ideas fit together.

Signs that you might demand to work on your transitions

How tin can y'all tell whether you demand to work on your transitions? Hither are some possible clues:

  • Your instructor has written comments similar "choppy," "jumpy," "sharp," "menstruation," "need signposts," or "how is this related?" on your papers.
  • Your readers (instructors, friends, or classmates) tell you that they had trouble following your organization or train of idea.
  • Yous tend to write the fashion you lot think—and your brain often jumps from one idea to some other pretty chop-chop.
  • You wrote your paper in several discrete "chunks" and then pasted them together.
  • You are working on a group paper; the draft yous are working on was created by pasting pieces of several people's writing together.


Since the clarity and effectiveness of your transitions will depend profoundly on how well you have organized your paper, y'all may want to evaluate your newspaper'due south system before you work on transitions. In the margins of your typhoon, summarize in a give-and-take or brusque phrase what each paragraph is nearly or how information technology fits into your analysis as a whole. This do should aid you lot to see the gild of and connectedness between your ideas more than clearly.

If after doing this practice you notice that you still have difficulty linking your ideas together in a coherent fashion, your problem may not be with transitions but with organization. For help in this area (and a more thorough explanation of the "reverse outlining" technique described in the previous paragraph), please run into the Writing Center's handout on organization.

How transitions work

The system of your written piece of work includes ii elements: (1) the lodge in which yous take chosen to present the dissimilar parts of your discussion or argument, and (2) the relationships you construct between these parts. Transitions cannot substitute for skilful arrangement, merely they can brand your organisation clearer and easier to follow. Take a look at the following instance:

El Pais, a Latin American country, has a new democratic government later having been a dictatorship for many years. Presume that you want to argue that El Pais is not as autonomous as the conventional view would accept us believe.

One manner to effectively organize your statement would exist to present the conventional view then to provide the reader with your critical response to this view. So, in Paragraph A yous would enumerate all the reasons that someone might consider El Pais highly democratic, while in Paragraph B yous would refute these points. The transition that would establish the logical connection between these two key elements of your argument would point to the reader that the information in paragraph B contradicts the information in paragraph A. As a effect, you might organize your statement, including the transition that links paragraph A with paragraph B, in the following manner:

Paragraph A: points that support the view that El Pais'southward new government is very democratic.

Transition: Despite the previous arguments, there are many reasons to recollect that El Pais'south new government is not as democratic every bit typically believed.

Paragraph B: points that contradict the view that El Pais'due south new authorities is very autonomous.

In this case, the transition words "Despite the previous arguments," suggest that the reader should non believe paragraph A and instead should consider the writer's reasons for viewing El Pais's republic as suspect.

Equally the example suggests, transitions can help reinforce the underlying logic of your paper's organization by providing the reader with essential information regarding the relationship between your ideas. In this way, transitions act equally the glue that binds the components of your argument or discussion into a unified, coherent, and persuasive whole.

Types of transitions

Now that y'all have a full general thought of how to go nigh developing effective transitions in your writing, permit us briefly hash out the types of transitions your writing will utilize.

The types of transitions bachelor to you are as diverse every bit the circumstances in which you lot need to employ them. A transition tin can be a unmarried word, a phrase, a sentence, or an unabridged paragraph. In each example, information technology functions the same fashion: First, the transition either direct summarizes the content of a preceding sentence, paragraph, or section or implies such a summary (past reminding the reader of what has come before). And then, it helps the reader anticipate or embrace the new information that y'all wish to present.

  1. Transitions between sections: Peculiarly in longer works, it may be necessary to include transitional paragraphs that summarize for the reader the data just covered and specify the relevance of this data to the discussion in the following section.
  2. Transitions between paragraphs: If you take washed a practiced chore of arranging paragraphs so that the content of one leads logically to the adjacent, the transition will highlight a relationship that already exists by summarizing the previous paragraph and suggesting something of the content of the paragraph that follows. A transition betwixt paragraphs can be a discussion or two (still, for example, similarly), a phrase, or a sentence. Transitions tin can exist at the stop of the commencement paragraph, at the beginning of the second paragraph, or in both places.
  3. Transitions inside paragraphs: Every bit with transitions between sections and paragraphs, transitions within paragraphs act as cues by helping readers to anticipate what is coming before they read it. Inside paragraphs, transitions tend to exist single words or short phrases.

Transitional expressions

Effectively constructing each transition frequently depends upon your ability to identify words or phrases that volition point for the reader the kind of logical relationships you lot want to convey. The tabular array below should make information technology easier for you to notice these words or phrases. Whenever you have problem finding a word, phrase, or sentence to serve every bit an effective transition, refer to the information in the table for help. Look in the left column of the table for the kind of logical human relationship yous are trying to express. Then wait in the right cavalcade of the table for examples of words or phrases that limited this logical relationship.

Proceed in mind that each of these words or phrases may take a slightly different meaning. Consult a dictionary or author's handbook if you are unsure of the exact meaning of a discussion or phrase.

Similarity also, in the aforementioned way, merely as … and so too, too, similarly
Exception/Contrast but, however, in spite of, on the one paw … on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, in contrast, on the contrary, still, yet
Sequence/Order commencement, second, 3rd, … next, then, finally
Fourth dimension after, afterward, at last, before, currently, during, earlier, immediately, later, meanwhile, now, recently, simultaneously, later, and then
Example for case, for instance, namely, specifically, to illustrate
Accent fifty-fifty, indeed, in fact, of course, truly
Place/Position above, adjacent, below, beyond, here, in front, in back, nearby, there
Crusade and Effect accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus
Additional Support or Testify additionally, again, also, and, as well, besides, equally important, farther, furthermore, in addition, moreover, so
Conclusion/Summary finally, in a discussion, in cursory, briefly, in conclusion, in the cease, in the final analysis, on the whole, thus, to conclude, to summarize, in sum, to sum up, in summary

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